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Essential Christmas Gifts for Expanding Your Kitchen

Christmas is my favorite time of year except when it comes to making a Christmas list. I never know what I want so often I wind up with clothes or jewelry which are lovely, but typically useless. If you are starting off on your own or are newly married these are a few of my kitchen essentials that I couldn't live without.

I know how expensive these seem when you first starting out, however, I can honestly say that most of my cooking would take forever if I didn't have this lovely appliance in my kitchen. They run for about $250, but if you go out and brave the cold on black friday like my mother and I did you can typically find them for $150-$200 which is an amazing deal for something that will last you at least a decade.

This is another item that seems to be a little pricey but they are safer to microwave than the plastic containers and they are amazing. My husband and I use these everyday for our lunches and they are durable and make our lives a little easier in the morning.

3. Wooden Spoons, Spatulas, and Thongs

These may go without saying, however, I have known several friends who do not have numerous pairs of all three and it makes cooking more tedious. I have a drawer just for these essential and I love it.

4. A Dutch Oven

This is more of a luxury item, but trust me when I say that these are extremely versatile. They can be used on the stove top or the oven and they are simply gorgeous!

I hope that you enjoyed this list and maybe even add a item or two to your Christmas shopping! 

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